Cuerpo de fusil monocasco fabricado en una sola pieza de carbono 100% con espesor variable.
Mecanismo de disparo Ermes doble rodillo
Carrete carbono horizontal
Empuñadura con grip anatómica diestra, zurda o ambidiestra.
Talón de carga de alta resistencia.
Obuses de alta resistencia anti-rotura.
Medidas. 100 cm 110 cm 120 cm
Para el desarrollo de este nuevo modelo de fusil hemos usado los sistemas más avanzados de fabricación utilizando los programas más potentes de diseño cad cam, así como ingeniería inversa y impresión 3D para el prototipado del producto.
Cada pieza a sido testada minuciosamente y se a sometido a las más altas cargas de trabajo pasando todas las pruebas con éxito.
Por último hemos desarrollado un sistema de moldes con tecnología creada por nosotros mismos, y sólo podemos decir que estamos muy orgullosos del producto final, esperamos que os guste. Soriatec Team
Manufacturing System:
For the development of our fins we have created our own manufacturing methods, developing a system that allows an increase of 10% more re-activity of the fin, reducing its weight compared to the previous model by 10%, thus achieving a more effective fin , more resistant and more efficient.
All our fins are manufactured in 5 different hardnesses and can be manufactured with the dual system or Rts finish.
You can choose the V pointed or asymmetric cut, also the desired hardness, we study each case individually to offer the client the fin that best suits their style or physical conditions.
Manufacturing System:
For the development of our fins we have created our own manufacturing methods, developing a system that allows an increase of 10% more re-activity of the fin, reducing its weight compared to the previous model by 10%, thus achieving a more effective fin , more resistant and more efficient.
All our fins are manufactured in 5 different hardnesses and can be manufactured with the dual system or Rts finish.
You can choose the V pointed or asymmetric cut, also the desired hardness, we study each case individually to offer the client the fin that best suits their style or physical conditions.
C / Electricistas, nº 13 03130 La colonia, Santa Pola Alicante, Spain