Nuestro tubo Fénix XL se fabrica en medidas 100,105,110, 115,120,125,130,135 cm su forma tipo hueso de sepia permite un movimiento lateral sin dificultad tiene un diámetro interior de 26 mm y 31 mm de exterior con lo que podemos instalar la gran mayoría de empuñaduras y cabezales del mercado, la ventaja de nuestro tubo Fénix frente a otros es que no es hueco, nuestro tubo en su interior aloja un material que no absorbe agua y le confiere la flotabilidad necesaria, aportando así mas masa y rigidez.
Manufacturing System:
For the development of our fins we have created our own manufacturing methods, developing a system that allows an increase of 10% more re-activity of the fin, reducing its weight compared to the previous model by 10%, thus achieving a more effective fin , more resistant and more efficient.
All our fins are manufactured in 5 different hardnesses and can be manufactured with the dual system or Rts finish.
You can choose the V pointed or asymmetric cut, also the desired hardness, we study each case individually to offer the client the fin that best suits their style or physical conditions.
Manufacturing System:
For the development of our fins we have created our own manufacturing methods, developing a system that allows an increase of 10% more re-activity of the fin, reducing its weight compared to the previous model by 10%, thus achieving a more effective fin , more resistant and more efficient.
All our fins are manufactured in 5 different hardnesses and can be manufactured with the dual system or Rts finish.
You can choose the V pointed or asymmetric cut, also the desired hardness, we study each case individually to offer the client the fin that best suits their style or physical conditions.
C / Electricistas, nº 13 03130 La colonia, Santa Pola Alicante, Spain