My passion for spearfishing and freediving led me to create my own brand of spearfishing and freediving equipment Soriatec,

which together with my extensive experience in composite materials allowed me to develop and create advanced high-quality material, being a benchmark in the national market and international.
(Boreas project image)

I would like to start before going into the materials section by explaining a little what spearfishing is for me, I must say that I have fished for years with a rod both in fresh water and in the sea, but it was my first catch with a speargun. Underwater is the one that changed my life, it made me know a sport that more than a sport for many is a way of life, I say this because it is a type of fishing that makes you find yourself, you need concentration and at the same time leave the Mind and body as relaxed as possible to be able to consume the least amount of oxygen possible, since each sudden movement will reduce our apnea and therefore we will endure less under the sea.

This type of fishing is quite unknown to many and they are often published articles by people who do not know the modality and sometimes leave our sport badly off, with this article I would like to take the opportunity to make this modality a little more known

Spearfishing is a sport that is practiced in apnea, that is, by lung with the only air that your lungs can store, it is practiced from heights that go from 0 meters on the shore to heights that can be between 60 and 70 meters deep. For the more experienced fishermen with a modality that I will mention later, this type of fishing is very demanding and dangerous at the same time since there is no room for error, but all this is very rewarding and practicing it responsibly will cause you feelings that are very difficult to compare.
Many think that as you are submerged it is easy to catch the fish, but nothing is further from reality, there are many species and each one has its customs and dates that we must learn in order to have the opportunity to capture one, we must also learn different types of techniques that we will have to use for according to what species we want to capture.
As in all types of fishing there is a maximum fishing quota as well as protected species, if it is true that in this modality there is no catch and release as in others, the fisherman will only catch the species with culinary value and that he is going to consume later. , why if there is something rewarding is being able to share with family or friends that capture that so much effort has taken.
I will now go on to mention different types of fishing techniques:
Hole fishing: Hole fishing consists of looking for fish in caves or crevices with the help of a flashlight and a small or medium-sized rifle that allows us to put the rifle into the cave or crevice.
Stalking Fishing: Stalking fishing is about stealth fishing through the bottom to be able to approach our prey without being detected. Fall fishing: Fall fishing consists of standing in the vertical of the fish and approaching from above to be able to get a shooting position. Waiting fishing: Waiting fishing consists of looking for an area where we can hide or camouflage with the seabed, in this way the fish will approach out of curiosity and thus we will have an opportunity to catch them.

Then there are 2 types of ballast which is the weight that fishermen carry in the lead belt to be able to submerge, they would be. Fishing at constant weight (the fisherman goes down and up with the weight on his belt) and the other is with
Variable weight that the angler lowers with a weight either on the belt or a pendulum and then releases it to be able to climb more safely, this mode is used to be able to go down to great depths.

Now we will talk about the different types of materials that a spearfisher uses:
Goggles: The goggles that are normally used in spearfishing is a goggle with little internal volume to better compensate the ears and be able to go down more comfortably. Tube: The tube that is used to be able to breathe on the surface is normally a soft tube that allows the tube to be well adjusted to the head without noticing discomfort. Knife: there are many types of knife for my taste, the most suitable for fishing are narrow and have a saw in one of its parts to be able to cut a line if necessary. It is an essential safety element in the equipment. Apnea computer: The apnea clock is a security element that allows measuring different parameters such as depth, apnea time, recovery time, water temperature and number of dives per day.

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Suit: The suit is made of neoprene of different thicknesses depending on the water temperature and there are 2 types, lined more resistant to friction and constant use, and chewing gum suits, the latter are made of smooth neoprene and provide more heat and comfort, they are indicated for anglers with an advanced level since they are a little more fragile and require greater care. Booties: Booties are (neoprene socks) like suits are manufactured in different thicknesses. Weight belt: The belt allows us to carry enough lead to be able to submerge, the belt must be made of a material that has a certain elasticity, in this way it will allow us to ventilate better on the surface to be able to descend comfortably. Buoy: This element allows us to be visible from several meters away, as well as to maintain a distance with the boats, (the boats must maintain a minimum distance of 25 meters) the buoy must be accompanied by an alpha flag that will indicate that there is a underwater fisherman. There are usually 2 types of torpedo type, the most economical and lightweight and of the plate type that allows us more space for the material and to be able to rest on it.
Fins: There are several types of fins and we must pay special attention to this material since the fins will be in charge of bringing us to the surface after the dive, the beginner level fins are usually made of thermoplastic, they are generally quite hard fins. and also durable but they punish your joints a lot, the medium level fins are usually fiberglass or hybrid carbon and glass, the advanced level fins are usually carbon, with the latter we get a greater thrust, a relief in the joints and higher performance.

Greetings from David Soria and Good fishing